Monday 15 October 2018

The Role of Challenges, Rewards & Feedbacks in Improving Overall Workplace Efficiency Through a Gamified E-Learning Program

In today’s digital era, e-learning developers are seeking for ways to engage and retain the workforce in a training activity. There are several ways of engaging learners within a classroom setting. But, with the widespread adoption of technology-oriented learning, there is an evident need to find ways of effective e-learning. Game-based learning is one such approach in which varied gaming elements are incorporated with training courses to boost learner participation and retention. Game mechanics can be applied in the form of badges, points and rewards, the opportunity of self-expression or even competition among the peers. Consequently, it helps learners attain organizational goals through continuous learning, goal orientation, improving persistence and workforce collaboration.

Successful Implementation of Gamification in E-Learning

It is a good idea to use existing games that have been developed to teach the content. There are numerous off-the-shelf games available, both commercial and educational. Games are created, keeping in mind the learning needs of a modern workforce- who mostly leverage newer technologies and is open to exploring more. These can be created from serious learning as well. For example, quizzes on different topics can be built- where the learner can be challenged to engage more.

The prime factor that makes game-based learning fun is learner motivation. Outlined below are few elements that make game-based learning, more engaging and effective:

  • Engagement- A game involves ample ways to attain each goal that makes the game interesting. Games impart optimal interactivity that involves learners in the subject matter through puzzles and assessments, thereby boosting their participation and retention levels.
  • Rewards- Another important feature is giving instant rewards as a certification of achievement. For instance, participants can earn points, scores and badges on successful completion of a quiz or reaching the next level. Consequently, learners are encouraged to undergo training and improve their learning uptake.
  • Challenges & goals- Games bring challenging situations for the learners, participating as individuals or teams. The challenge is built by setting specific training objectives that align with the skill level of the learner. Games engage players to overcome varied challenges by means of their own intrinsic motivation. Learners have no other requirement to address these challenges beyond their motivation to analyze their skills.
  • Feedback- During the game-based learning approach, players receive instant feedback on their overall progress. It allows the learners to work on their improvement areas, analyze the results of their action and assess a different approach to improve the training outcomes.
It is not the habit, but the correct behavior of the learner that boosts overall workplace efficiency. Rewards, points and badges earned through games make learning more fun, entertaining and compelling. The feeling of winning or losing during a gamified e-learning program, develops a desire amongst the learners to engage, retain and perform better at the workplace.

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