Thursday 2 January 2020

Creating Blended E learning Modules: Combining Traditional Classroom Approach with E-learning

In today’s digital era, organizations are shifting their focus towards creating blended e learning modules to transform the entire training experience. Blended learning is not merely the combination of classroom training with online learning. It is an innovative teaching method that boosts overall learner engagement, drives performance, bridges skills-gaps, and increasing ROIs. Digitization is enhancing the scope to deliver tailored e-learning solutions by paving the way for bite-sized content delivery, game-based learning, video-based learning, and other popular trends. 

Blended Learning: Transforming the Ways you Learn and Succeed

The question may arise in your minds that whether technology-aided learning spell an end to instructor-led training? Then your answer is no it is not. With the emergence of blended learning, organizations are redefining their traditional classroom approach in a way to optimize engagement, retention, and performance levels. Just imagine a typical classroom environment where-
  • An instructor uses sources such as documentations and presentations to teach multiple topics. 
  • Learners are motivated to seek queries from trainers once the presentation is complete. 
  • Handouts of the entire sessions are given to the learners. 

Now imagine another scenario where- 
  • The trainer presents an engaging online presentation with an aim to meet pertinent training goals, be it compliance, soft skills, sales enablement, induction, and more. 
  • The trainer shares an online calendar about upcoming training sessions, training finished, achievements, and more. 
  • The trainer also notifies participants about their individual progress and how learning is aligned to their specific job roles, skills, and other trends. 
  • Assessments during instructor-led session will help the trainer analyze an individual’s performances.
  • Moreover, assignments can be completed online at your own pace of time and convenience. 

In the above-discussed scenarios, training is same, but the method is different.  Organizations create blended e learning modules to close performance gaps, drive workforce retention, increase training ROIs, and enhance overall uptake.
With online workplace learning becoming more technology-aided and ROI-aligned, it is crucial for organizations to adopt an effective L&D strategy. Therefore, companies from varied domains incorporate social learning approach to engage and encourage employees to perform better. There are multiple ways through which social media elements can be embedded with blended learning. These include: 
  • Incorporating social media components within classroom as well as e-learning sessions so that employees are familiar with new ideas and trends. 
  • Social media acts as a perfect platform to share new ideas and spin off discussions, thereby fostering a continuous learning environment. 
  • Through social media, learners gain access to a variety of sources including webinars, case studies and more. 

So, today is the time for organizations to rethink over their e-learning strategies and create innovative e learning modules to drive overall engagement and performance levels. As employees are considered as assets for organizations, it is essential for organizations to deliver personalized training that enables organizations to stay ahead of the curve. 

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